Wow, does this update add a lot of new features! I'm going to go back and adjust my currently posted stuff where necessary. Other than overhauling the Isaac Quick Draw Showdown post, linking inspirations in the artist list will probably take the longest.
In other news, this year will not have an art summary. Mentioning this since new people may not know that 2022 was the first time I was able to reliably get something for every month. If you're curious about the yearly google doc I make for art summaries it looks like this:
A lot of my time this year I sunk into modding Left 4 Dead 2, going through hard drive deaths, and revisiting Minecraft modding. Speaking of, the first series of Left 4 Dead 2 modding doodles will make it here eventually. Either it will mimic the drawings found in the first Tumblr post (with less text), or I'll hold off and just make a collection of the better looking doodles.