Edit: A huge final update released (0.10.0), featuring story mode for the other characters, more art and new stuff to unlock! The dev is currently working on a followup to the game; featuring a massive overhaul to presentation and more. Updates to that are posted on Cohost under the username: Heptagon. Below is my original review for this game before all this revamping happened:
A fun and colorful competitive puzzle game that calls back to my days of playing Magical Drop, Puzzle Bobble, Puzzle Fighter 2, and other games. Love the artstyle and the lewd stuff is there for those who want that too.
The only gameplay issue I've had is my controller not registering inputs properly (I personally play on keyboard but that problem could be happening with others that may prefer/need a controller).
As of writing this review, the Newgrounds demo is outdated compared to the one on itch.io (0.8.2 vs 0.9.2). Communication has also dwindled over time. Take as much time as you need; I hope you come back strong!